Visibility and knowledge transfer
Task 7-1:
Project brochure, newsletter and further publications purpose and justification: the purpose of this task is to inform all interested stakeholders on objectives and content of the project and disseminate results among stakeholders and the interested public. This raises the awareness among stakeholders of the need to utilize S&T in the MIL in Kenya, Malawi and Nigeria.
Task 7-2:
Project website purpose and justification: the purpose of this task is to support internal and external project communication and exchange of experiences and to make reports, newsletters, research papers, policy briefs and technologies available to all parties concerned to facilitate overall project coordination.
Task 7-3:
International conference on livestock innovation and S&T exhibition purpose and justification: the purpose of this task is to bring together scientist and stakeholders involved in the livestock sector and specifically those involved either directly or indirectly in the MIL. During this conference, different stakeholders are given an opportunity to showcase any innovations, products and services that lead to effective MIL. This brings stakeholders together to initiate new co-operations and further adoption of the concepts thereby ensuring program sustainability and also ensure that the work is extended to benefit wider audience.
Task 7-4:
Symposia for multiplication of project results purpose and justification: the purpose of this task is to facilitate multiplication of project results regarding improvement of productivity of IL and promotion of STI in the MIL thus contributing towards alleviating poverty and ensuring income and food security. This brings stakeholders together to initiate new co-operations and further adoption of the concepts ensuring project sustainability.