ILiNOVA Facilitates Incubation at the Centre of Excellence for Livestock Innovation and Business

 This centre is located at

the Department of Animal Sciences, Egerton University, Njoro Campus. The purpose of the Centre is to strengthen research and other capacities: Build on existing STI capacity and learning, fostering innovations and agribusiness development; Support respective African Governments to address knowledge gaps and build on existing STI capacity for management of livestock and learning; engage with local decision makers on STI and opportunities and Support and incubate agribusiness.

As a multipurpose Centre, it hosts a number of centres. One of the Centres is the CoELIB Incubar which iLINOVA has played a role of facilitating its operations. The CoELIB Incubar is an agribusiness incubator in the livestock value chain with different subsidiaries for different livestock species and products. The Incubar facilitates the development of agribusiness enterprises in the livestock value chain and support growing businesses in a conducive environment linking universities, research institutions and the private sector. In addition it supports curriculum reform and improved delivery mechanism to enhance production of agribusiness entrepreneurs and innovators in the livestock value chain and beyond. The businesses and companies that have been incubated within this centre include; Prima Gallus, Milele Feeds, Mazao Millers, Token Network, Ukulima Frontline, M-FUGO and AgriFresh.

M-FUGO; an SMS Based System

This is an SMS marketing and information system for the different actors in the Indigenous Chicken Production Value Chain. The main aim of this system is to provide reliable, effective and timely information to Indigenous chicken farmers and other actors in Indigenous Chicken Production Value Chain.

Token: An Innovative Platform Linking Farmers to Research Organisations

This is an online platform that creates a link between a research organisation and its actual beneficiaries. The main aim of this platform is to link farmers and research institutions. This platform will therefore provide flow of information on research from research organisations to farmers, accessibility of improved and superior products at a subsidized price.

Ukulima Frontline Platform

This platform aims at providing timely, relevant and reliable agricultural information by different actors along the agricultural value chain. Ukulima Frontline offers a one of a kind extension experience to farmers, where the farmers are connected to extension agents to assist them in any query or challenge they may encounter. A personal profile is created for the farmers when they utilise the system and is updated with every farmer-system interaction. This gives the extension agents better understanding of the context and history of the farmer which improves the efficiency and effectiveness of extension service delivery

Prima Gallus

The main focus of Prima Gallus is to tap into the available opportunity in chicken business. This follows the shift from red meat to white meat as a result of health conscious awareness that has been created over time. Prima Gallus employs a 3 – point business model with the main area focusing on value-addition in chicken products. This involves connecting farmers with other actors in the value chain especially eateries. The other points Prima Gallus focuses on include AgPowered Entrepreneurship which is a mentorship program targeting the youth. This is done through trainings, seminars and organized events to enhance entrepreneurial skill among the youth. Agri-Consultancy on the other hand is when skill and experience is used to help farmers and business men run their enterprises properly through writing of business plans, organizing agribusiness clinics and forming business models for enterprises.

Mazao Millers

Due to the poor quality of feeds and supply, Mazao Millers is dedicated in the production of quality animal feeds such as layers mash, growers mash, chick mash and dairymeal among others for the domesticated animals.




Last modified onWednesday, 16 March 2016 12:27
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