Project management

Task 1-1:

Project monitoring and evaluation purpose and justification: the purpose of this task is to ensure progress and success of all activities of the project and that all partners participate in decision- making which is a key prerequisite for project success. In addition, this task ensures continuous management, early detection of arising difficulties and recommend due adjustment.

Task 1-2:

Annual team meetings purpose and justification: the purpose of this task is to familiarise all partners with status quo of the project in each partner HEI in order to identify possibilities for improvement. In addition, it is in these meetings that the steps to be taken within each area of activity will be clarified and working and communication procedures established. Initial actions and tasks will be fixed; mixed teams of specialists in MIL will be formed.

Task 1-3:

Project evaluation and follow up purpose and justification: the purpose of this task is to assess progress of the project and its activities with the aim of identifying critical points, problems and need for improvement of procedures or adjustment of the work plan. The task also provides the opportunity to assess project success including lessons learnt, ensuring that the purpose of the project is reached. The task also assists in the assessment of how far it has contributed to overall objectives and improvement of the target groups to ensure sustainable success of the project and proper use of STI in MIL.

Task 1-4:

Gender mainstreaming purpose and justification: the purpose of this task is to promote gender mainstreaming as a cross-cutting issue in all project activities.




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