Kennedy Ouma's Internship Experience

The introduction of internship program at the Centre of Excellence for Livestock Innovations and Business has really moulded me from the young passionate leader to a strong ambitious role model to the many young leaders around me. I began my service as an intern at CoELIB in October 2015 shortly after clearing my fourth year of Bachelors in Agribusiness Management. The interaction with farmers through the training department of CoELIB was my first job as an intern. These built in me a lot of confidence and audacity in approaching issues related to agriculture.

Working with diversity of humanity having different professional backgrounds, social classes, and cultural backgrounds while still aiming at specific goals and objectives of the organization was a great motivation and lesson learnt at CoELIB. Despite the many differences highlighted, I have learnt to embrace team work and appreciate diversity.

My current duty as an agri-journalist within the centre has really boosted my passion of disseminating agricultural information through media. With the establishment of CoELIB Media of Professional Advancement, I have been able to promote best agricultural practices in audio and visual forms. The aim of these productions is to tap the results of many innovative researches done in the university and inform farmers to implement them.

The need of breaking the information barriers between the universities and the community is my key concern. This I achieve through my periodic production of audio and video documentary on agriculture. The audio is aired to the community as a recorded programme through the university radio station, Egerton Radio while the video is availed in compact discs for farmers and the general members of the community.

Most of the lecturers and researchers hardly find an avenue to make their work available to students and other interested persons. I create this avenue through agri-journalism where I document such information and students can thereafter obtain them at own wish. This is also the case with many lecturers who find less time in class. We document lectures and avail to students in video and audio forms.

As the productions manager, I am mandated to organize video shooting and audio recording. I set dates, approach resourceful people and coordinate the production crew. This role has enhanced my leadership skills and improved my inter-personal abilities.

I have learnt how to manage projects, lead a team and implement ideas. These are attributed to the mentorship obtained from my seniors at the centre. The passionate staff at CoELIB are a great company of trainers I appreciate passing through. They have instilled into me the spirit of result-oriented commitments and the need of dedication at work.

In summary, being an intern at CoELIB has not only opened to me the doors of success but also created a chain of network between me and resourceful people as far as agriculture and leadership are concerned.

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